Jenny Stenesjö Wöhrman

Forvis Mazars Schweden

Jenny has 15 years of experience as a tax lawyer. Jenny is a lawyer specialized in M&A and due diligence that then specialized in tax law. Jenny is experienced in advising clients in complex international and domestic tax regulations for entrepreneurial businesses as well as larger corporations and companies listed on the stock exchange. Particularly experienced in shareholder planning, mergers of international structures ( on which she wrote her master thesis) as well as transfer pricing and withholding tax issues. Dealing with corporate and individual tax issues such as domestic and cross-border restructurings, intra-group transactions, corporate income tax, thin capitalization rules, transfer pricing, permanent establishment Jenny has a specific expertise in company structures and due diligence and transaction-based tax issues. She is the partner in charge of the transfer pricing and corporate transaction tax team in Sweden as well as head of tax for Sweden and Western Europe within Mazars.